2  App layout

Let’s begin by exploring the basic layout of the app. When you load the app, you will first see the landing page:

The best way to get a quick intro to the app is to click the “Tour” button, which will give a short interactive guided tour of the layout of the app. Here we give a little more description.

First, the app is divided into a main window, a header and a sidebar.

The app is generally meant to be used by working through the tabs from top to bottom.

2.1 Main window

There is not much to say about the main window, since it is different for each tab, and is described in much more detail in the following chapters. Suffice to say here that the buttons on the welcome screen include the guided tour, another button “Data input” which takes you to the “Upload” tab, and the “Know more” button which takes you to this online book.

Depending on the size of your screen, the main window can sometimes become cluttered. Two ways to improve this are:

  1. Minimise the sidebar (see next section)
  2. Use the “zoom” function in your browser. E.g. on Chrome hold the “Ctrl” button and scroll the mouse wheel to zoom out - this will make the text smaller but you will be able to see more content at once. You can also zoom in if you need to!